About This Station

The station is powered by a Acurite Atlas weather station, as of 12/25/2023. This is the best weather station I have had since 2005 when I moved in. The data is collected every 8 seconds and the site is updated at that time, an import happens every 5 minutes into a MYSQL database in order to keep track of the weather data. This site and its data is collected using Weather Display Software, processed by PHP and Javascript, and then displayed by HTML. The station comprises of an anemometer, rain gauge, UV sensor, Lightning detector, and a thermo-hydro sensor . Everything is situated on the roof and the display is really quite nice!

About My Area

Harford County was formed in 1773 by the splitting of Baltimore County. It contains Tudor Hall, birthplace of John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Abraham Lincoln in 1865. Harford County also hosted the signers of the Bush Declaration, a precursor document to the American Revolution. The county was named for Henry Harford (ca. 1759-1834), illegitimate son of Frederick Calvert, 6th Baron Baltimore. Harford was the last Proprietary Governor of Maryland, but did not inherit his father's title because of his illegitimacy.

Bel Air's identity has gone through several incarnations since 1780. Landowner Aquilla Scott planned the town on a portion of inherited land known as "Scott's Improvement Enlarged," which he called "Scott's Old Fields." Four years later, the town had expanded as local politicians, merchants and innkeepers purchased lots from Scott, and the county commissioners decided to change its name to the more appealing "Belle Aire." In his deeds, Scott dropped one letter, renaming the town, "Bell Aire." Around 1798, court records decided to drop two more letters and "Bel Air" was born.

During this period, Bel Air began to show strong communal legs. In 1782, just two years after its conception, it became Harford's county seat, and Daniel Scott (Aquilla's son) started building a courthouse on Main Street, which is still the town's main road. In the late 18th century, Bel Air's city limits encompassed both sides of Main Street, but the days following the Civil War ignited a building and land-development boom that remains in full swing today.

Several fires swept through the downtown area in the early 20th century, notably in 1900 and 1942. In 1972, a fire decimated the street, causing $2 million dollars worth of damage.

1970, notorious Black Panther member H. Rap Brown was on trial in the courthouse for instigating a riot in Cambridge. Radicals sent to eliminate Brown drove to Bel Air in a car laden with plastic explosives, intending to take down the courthouse, but the car exploded too early, leaving a crater in the boulevard less than a mile away. The trail was eventually moved again.

The town once boasted a regionally featured horse track, which stood where the Harford Mall is today.

Important people of Bel Air, MD

About This Website

This site is a template design by CarterLake.org. Special thanks go to Kevin Reed at TNET Weather. AJAX conditions display from Saratoga-Weather.org.

Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.

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