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Current Events @ 07-02-2024
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Meteor Showers: alpha Capricornids
Visible Jul 3 - Aug 15   Peak Jul 29 > 31

Meteor Showers: Delta Aquariids
Visible Jul 12 - Aug 22   Peak Jul 29 > 31

Meteor Showers: Perseids
Visible Jul 17 - Aug 26   Peak Aug 12 > 14

Annual Meteor Showers
Dec 28 > Jan 12Quadrantids ↑ Jan 3 > 5
Apr 16 > May 1Lyrids ↑ Apr 21 > 23
Apr 19 > May 29eta Aquariids ↑ May 5 > 7
Jul 3 > Aug 15alpha Capricornids ↑ Jul 29 > 31
Jul 12 > Aug 22Delta Aquariids ↑ Jul 29 > 31
Jul 17 > Aug 26Perseids ↑ Aug 12 > 14
Sep 10 > Nov 19Southern Taurids ↑ Oct 9 > 11
Oct 2 > Nov 7Orionids ↑ Oct 21 > 23
Oct 20 > Dec 9Northern Taurids ↑ Nov 11 > 13
Nov 6 > Dec 1Leonids ↑ Nov 16 > 18
Dec 4 > Dec 18Geminids ↑ Dec 13 > 15
Dec 17 > Dec 27Ursids ↑ Dec 21 > 23
Meteors are best viewed during the night hours, though meteors enter the atmosphere at any time of the day. They are just harder to see in the daylight apart from dawn and dusk.

Any nearby ambientlight, Moonlight can make it difficult viewing. Meteor showers are best viewed away from the city lights.